Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dad's Special Day

Father's day is obviously a day to celebrate the men in our lives.
Old Dads,
New Dads,
and all of those in between.
Usually my blog is a place of girly goodness;
a place for scrumptious ruffles,
delicate stitchery,
and fabric deliciousness.
Today I ask you to join me
in celebrating the manliness that is DAD.

I was lucky enough to grow up with the most amazing Dad
that a girl could ask for.
He is kind and loving,
and always does his best to do the right thing.
He is a man whom I admire with all that I am,
whole heartedly respect,
and adore more than I can ever express in words.
He has taught me to love God,
love others-
even when it hurts,
and to never compromise my beliefs.
Daddy’s girl?
Yep, I’d say so.

In a couple weeks it will be five years
since my first husband passed away.
He was killed in a truck accident
on his way home from a fire company meeting.
After he passed away,
I wasn’t sure where my life was headed.
It had been a rough marriage
and I was ready for a new start.
I prayed for God to help me find a man like my own father;
a kind and gentle man
that would be good to me
and my five year old daughter.
He answered that prayer pretty quickly when I met Darin.
For the first time in a long time I had some serious fun -
I knew he was “the one”.We married less than a year later and came home from our honeymoon
with baby on board.He has been such a blessing to us as a husband and father.
He works hard.
He drives several hours a day
commuting to a job that he loves.
I am then able to stay home with our daughters and run a small business.I am a lucky woman to have him and his love.
Things aren’t always perfect, but darn close.
Just ask her….

I am also blessed to have four other “Dads” in my circle.
Our band,
is definitely a family of sorts.
We are complete with family drama
and ups and downs,
but we have a mutual respect for each other
as people, parents, and musicians.
I am deeply thankful
that God has brought us all together
to share our faith and our gifts
that He alone has given us.
I want to wish them all a very Happy Father’s day.

Our talented drummer Brianis celebrating his first Father’s day
with the most gorgeous baby boy... ever!

Our rhythm and lead guitarist, Jim,has a breathtakingly beautiful
18 year old girlie girl who owns his heart.
He has also helped to raise two grown stepsons.
Don’t let the scary pic fool you, he’s a really nice guy.

Our lead guitarist,
Brian,has his hands full with two handsome teen and
soon to be teenage sons who are
becoming awesome musicians
with the guidance and direction of their Dad.
It is amazing to watch them grow into men.
They now tower above me.
As do most toddlers at this point.

My co-lead Kevin,my partner on the mic,
is an amazing Dad with two teenagers and a grown daughter.
He is a kind and gentle man
(with a rockin’ fantastic voice)
who works hard to be a Godly man and father.

The bass player is my handsome hubby Darin…
Enjoy your day guys!
Whether you are celebrating your dad with a
phone call,
a card,
a gift,
or treasuring him in pictures and memories,Happy Father’s Day to all of you.
I wish you all peace, love, and less gray hair this year!

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